3 Reasons Why There Is Power In Positive Thinking
“The right mindset is just as important to hear and answer the knock of opportunity as the right time and place. Think about a time when you were looking for something and you didn’t stop until you found it. That’s because you were convinced that it was out there – the power of positive thinking in action.”

How That Hobby Can Make You Successful In Your Work
I knew I would eventually get the hang of international travel, but I had no idea I would be developing skills that would drive future professional success.25 years later, it is still a beloved hobby of mine. But not because it helps me in my work. That is just a nice coincidence.You might think that designing a piece of jewelry or another one of your hobbies is a waste of time…you would be wrong.

Unlock Leadership Potential: 5 Easy Ways To Verify Your Talent
“…I believe that you’re still striving for your "peak performance". Therefore, I’m going to say that you’re more at risk of feeling like a fraud than feeling like "the greatest of all-time".
This is not to say that you lack confidence or haven’t had moments of feeling like one of the greats at your craft. After all, you believed them both, right (“dirt” and “baby Jesus”)?
So if you ever find yourself doubting your abilities or feeling like a fraud, I've got a few ideas I'd like to share with you...