You make big decisions. Every day.

A lot of people depend on you. The stakes are high.

That is a lot to carry. Pressure can build.

Sometimes you just need to decompress. To slow down and focus on what matters.

This is not a luxury. It is a strategic necessity.

The thing is - there are not a lot of events focused on mental health and wellbeing for men in leading positions. Until now.

The MINDFUL LEADER Men's Retreat provides you the perfect opportunity to slow down, reflect on what is important and take action that is aligned with who you are.

€1490 + VAT includes food and lodging at the restorative Ebenrieder 100 km outside of Munich.

29 Nov - 1 Dec. ‘24. Hosted By Tim Nash, Executive Coach & Gestalt Practitioner. 

Finish the year strong and set yourself up for success in ‘25!

For a full program description, email info@tim-nash.com or enter your contact info below.


DAY 01 - Setting Our Intentions

We begin our journey by setting our intentions for how we would like to transform over the course of the retreat. Guided by structured journaling and breathwork, you start to ground and center yourself while bringing your intention to life. After all, where awareness goes, energy flows.

DAY 02 - The Transformation

Having set our intentions and connected to the space and people, you begin to slow down and connect to the real you. Using a mix of breathwork, journaling and other guided practices, we begin to cultivate the energy to create and manifest your vision.

DAY 03 - The Breakthrough

Now we have cultivated the life-force energy to truly make the shift. Our energy is activated, and our mind has a new clarity and perception. Yet, there is still something preventing you from being the best version of you. It's time to identify your biggest block and let it go.

Dear Friends,

By disconnecting from the constant noise and distractions of everyday life, you connect with your true self - the one aligned with your key goals and priorities.

This is a rare opportunity to spend a weekend away among like-minded peers in a fun and relaxed setting.

It is a chance to review our wins and losses from ’24, set goals and intentions for ’25 and remove the biggest block standing in the way of being the best version of yourself.

It is also a time to kick back and enjoy yourself. Inspiring conversations over delicious food, prepared from scratch by our gifted chef Anna. Sharing a glass of wine on plush sofas or relaxing outdoors in the wood-fired hot tub.

This is a rejuvenation for the mind, body and soul - the 3 essential parts that make you you. We are going to enjoy this weekend to the fullest. The lodge, our home for the weekend, is newly renovated and beautifully designed.

This is your time. Give yourself this gift.

Come retreat with us!

With love,
