3 Simple Reasons Why Coaching For Awareness Makes You A Better Leader

“Coaching done well may by the most effective intervention designed for human performance.”

- Atul Gawande MD

Writing for The New Yorker, Dr. Gawande makes a strong case for coaching as the best way for any professional to achieve peak performance.

Can you imagine an athlete winning Olympic gold without a coach? Why should it be any different for doctors or any other professional?

I believe that “coaching done well” begins and ends with one thing: Raising awareness.

That is, increasing your awareness about:

1. Who you are right now

2. What drives (and blocks) you  

3. How you interact with others & your environment

Once you understand what drives but also limits you, you can effectively lead yourself and others. This is the main idea behind leading with Emotional Intelligence.

“ Without access to your true self, warts and all, you'll never achieve your true potential. This is why I see raising awareness as both the primary method and goal of effective coaching.”

Raise Awareness, Lead Better

Here are 3 reasons why coaching for awareness makes you a better leader:

1. Better Decisions

I believe that the primary objective of most every coaching exchange should be to help you raise awareness about where you are right now and how you wish to move forward.

This includes looking at obstacles that are holding you back and other blind spots you are unaware of.

By getting a clear picture of your roadblocks and potential pitfalls, you can make better decisions.

PRO TIP: Take a personality psychometric like the MBTI to get to know yourself better, especially your roadblocks and potential pitfalls!

2. People Development

If you'd like someone to develop a specific skill, for example, ask them first what skill or area they think they need to develop - before telling them what you think!

By having an open two-way feedback exchange, you help them raise awareness about their development needs.

By asking questions instead of giving orders, they'll be much more open to what you have to say.

PRO TIP: If you have different opinions regarding what they need to develop, you can still co-create a development plan with them. This will ensure that they have at least partial ownership - a must-have for their real motivation.  

3. Problem Solving

By recognizing a complex issue as a polarity to manage rather than as a problem to be solved, you open the door to the possibility of resolution.  

Raising your awareness to those complexities and the common interests of the key players puts the focus on your common goal of resolution and takes if off your differences.

Below is a personal story about the polarities of harmony and conflict that I had to resolve before I could move forward in my career.

What are two forces inside you that need balancing?

Awareness For Peak Performance

About ten years ago I wanted to learn more about myself so I took the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). One thing that came out in one of the reports was my clear preference for harmony. 

As a coach and facilitator, one of the constant realities of my job is conflict. Conflict in the form of a roadblock in a team that wishes to increase trust, but needs to first address an underlying issue. Or, resistance in a coaching client that wishes to change a pattern but isn't ready to look at the real situation.

However, for me to be effective in my job, there are times when I need to challenge a team or individual to address the conflict. 

With a strong preference for harmony, this is not easy. In fact, it can be very uncomfortable. 

Nevertheless, to be effective in my job I’ve had to reconcile these two polarities.

Ten years on, do you think my preference has changed? 

No. But, what has changed is my awareness of this paradox, which drives my peak performance. 

Take Action Today

Choosing a coach is overwhelming. Furthermore, it’s hard to know what type of coaching is best for you.

Whatever you decide, I believe coaching done well should raise your awareness about what makes you tick.

“With a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around you, you’re better fit to lead. Furthermore, you start to take purpose-driven action that's connected to your key goals and priorities.”

Coming from a place of heightened awareness, you’re able to lead and perform at your best.

Thanks for reading!


P.S. For my help achieving your peak performance, BOOK YOUR FREE DISCOVERY CALL NOW.


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